STATEMENT: 5/08/2020
British Scooter Rallies Association
It seems that this year has turned into an absolute disaster for UK Scootering.
For clubs, alliances, associations and traders , it has posed many challenges, not withstanding the cancellation of many treasured events which are the backbone of our scene.
This statement offers yet more bad news, although many people I’m sure half expected it after hearing that the company managing the council owned Southport Floral Halls had gone into receivership.
Because of the overall uncertainty as to whether the Council will have the venue reopened in October, the delaying in the Governments change of policy towards indoor music venues/events and the drastic reduction in venue capacities and layouts as part of COVID guidelines which are to be introduced if and when venues can open, we feel at this time that some kind of decision needs to made about the future of the rally.
With that in mind, and the health and well-being of all our volunteer stewards to consider, we have sadly come to the decision to cancel the evening entertainment and daytime trade and custom show, which was to be held inside the Southport Floral Halls.
However all is not lost
Many of us, unless more restrictions are introduced, will still be attending Southport and making the best of it, and in that spirit VFM will be donating trophies for a Ridden Outdoor Scooter Show and sourcing a bit of outdoor space for a pop up Market.
Also if guidelines allow, we will be djing in one of the pubs.
We will announce more info in the next couple of weeks, including more details for the above pop up show and market.
2021 will return bigger and better, but until then we may see you in one of Southports many pubs for a beer and a chat.
Lambretta Club of Great Britain
British Scooter Rallies Association