Details have been confirmed for the Guernsey Scooter Rally Weekend on July 12-14, 2019.
UK transport links to Guernsey are via Poole (fast ferry) and Portsmouth (slow ferry). There are limited spaces available on the Poole ferry, so please book early. Other links are from Jersey and St Malo, France.
Weekend entertainment now confirmed includes two floors of DJs playing on Friday night at the Thomas De La Rue pub, St Peter Port. The Guernsey Soul Collective will play on one floor with the other floor offering a mixture of music to suit all tastes.
After the Saturday rideout, everyone will head-off to the Island of Herm (a short 20-minute boat trip) where local Ska band, Sons of the Desert, will be playing – something completely different in the organiser’s version of the ‘Night Boat to Herm’.
All weekend events will be based in the St Peter Peter Port area, but nothing is far away and the bus service is frequent (and only a pound a trip). There’s accommodation to suit any budget. Your best bet is to go to www.visitguernsey.com/accommodation/?facilities. There are campsites outside St Peter Port – Fauxquets Valley (www.fauxquets.co.uk/) is around 4km from town.
The weekend rally ticket will cost £30 (includes Friday night entertainment, the Herm boat trip, entrance to the SOTD event, food and the all-important rally bag and patch). The weekend ticket needs to paid in advance, the boat to Herm only has a limited amount of return spaces, so pre-booking is absolutely essential. Tickets can be paid for via PayPal (https://paypal.me/guernseyscooterrally) or by direct bank transfer (Lloyds TSB Bank, Smith Street, Guernsey. Sort Code: 30-93-73, Account Number: 22258868). Please email [email protected] to say that you’ve paid, how many people, what club (if applicable), where you’re staying, arrival/departure dates and which port you’re coming from and the trip organisers main contact details. We will contact you to confirm receipt of payment.
Info via Facebook: ‘Guernsey Scooter Rally 2019’