Off to a flying start
It only seems like yesterday that I was rushing around Newark Showground preparing for the January show, and here we are now, well into March and almost a quarter of the way through 2019 already.
The year is shooting by and UK scooter events are well under way, aided and abetted by the extraordinarily good seasonal weather. Let’s hope it continues at least until the Scarborough national rally, which will only be a few weeks away by the time you read this.
Talking of reading this, if you’re an LCGB member and receive Jetset magazine, you might have clocked an event report on the Newark Show by Nudger (don’t know his real name).
Some of the individual scooter displays he briefly mentions are produced as separate, more in-depth articles inside this issue.
Of course, this issue is not all about the show, and there’s many other features to read, which cater for everyone’s individual tastes – not always easy to do with such a diverse readership base.
Remember, we’re always on the lookout for new material, especially nostalgic stuff, so if you have something to share (especially old photos), my contact details are at the top of this page.
Mau Spencer, Editor